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Happyland Kids Childcare Centre Time Capsule!

Over the last week (23-27/10/2017) the children at Happyland Kids Childcare Centre have been participating in National Children's Week and together as a Service we decided to engage in creative arts to create artwork for a time capsule to be buried on site. Children at Happyland kids care centre in Arundel QLD are very excited to be the part of participation.

Today the Service collected all their masterpieces and placed them inside the time capsule to be buried so, all the children had a little piece of themselves in our time capsule. Together, we went out the front of the Service and began to dig our big hole for the time capsule to go into. We all sat around the dig site, watching and helping Mr Kane dig our big hole. It was really, really hard trying to dig through all the clay, so we were very lucky to have Mr Kane and his big muscles there to help us! at our Happyland kids day care centre in Queensland!

Once our hole was dug, we filled our time capsule pipe with all our beautiful masterpieces and lowered the pipe into the ground. The children helped cover over our time capsule with handfuls of clay and dirt before Mr Kane got his shovel back out! We all seemed to have great fun watching as the time capsule was covered over with the dirt, and expressing our excitement of coming back and checking on our artwork!

We look forward to digging up our time capsule in ten years time and the children were very excited about our day today! After 10 years it will be a great celebration at Happyland kids day care centre in Arundel Queensland


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