The Tooth Fairy is Coming!

HappyLand Kids Child day care centre meet with parents and understand the common naughtiness of kids. One of the things came to surprise with us that morning brush of kids. We proposed the parents that we can plan learning activity of techniques and time to practice their teeth brushing. Parents especially mothers were so happy & credited us that Happyland kids is best child care near me in Arundel.
HappyLand kids team was super excited to receive a comment that HappyLand kids is best child day care near me in Queensland & after brainstorming converted the learning activity into fun activity i.e tooth fairy fun activity.
Today the children had a surprise visit from the Tooth Fairy! We all gathered in the preschool room, excited for the show. We were greeted by the tooth fairy, who was dressed up in a purple, glittery dress and her wings were big and beautiful with glitter all over them!
The show started with a song and all the children were encouraged to hop up and join in the dancing, grooving along to the beat. Once the song was finished, we sat back on our bottoms, eager to continue the show. We spoke about our teeth and were told how to look after our teeth; how many times and how to brush our teeth; we listened to a story about healthy teeth; and we even met one of the tooth fairy's little friends and let us brush his teeth!
Together with help from the educators and tooth fairy the whole group worked together to identify healthy foods and sometimes foods. There were two teeth on the table for us to look at - a happy, healthy tooth and a sad, sometimes tooth. We were encouraged us to say "sometimes!" when she held up sometimes foods and "hooray!" when she held up healthy foods.
Each child received a free tooth brush to practice their teeth brushing. After the completion of activity we again got the same comment from Moms that Happyland kids is best child care near me in Arundel.